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Call for Applications | Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant 2016

The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art  The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art  The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art  The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art  The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art 
Deadline:  10 August 2016

Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant 2016, which is instituted by FICA with the support of art historian and curator Yashodhara Dalmia in the memory of her sister Ila Dalmia, aims to provide an annual grant to support research on Indian modern and contemporary art. The grant provides a sum of Rs. Two lakhs and will focus on supporting independent one research project a year by students and scholars in India.
The application is open to individuals who are committed to researching in the field of visual arts with particular focus on Indian modern and contemporary art. This could include important first-hand research and archiving of art and art historical material, or a critical study of Indian art history, art criticism and practice, or an interdisciplinary analysis of the theory and practice in the visual arts, or studies in the related domains of curation, exhibitions, collection and the art economy.

Download Application Forms PDF or Word or at our website

Please read the application form carefully for submission details. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. For any further queries e-mail us at