ARThink South Asia
ARThinkSouthAsia is a management, policy and research programme in the arts and cultural sector. Initiated in 2010, the programme is dedicated to founding and supporting a cadre of arts managers committed to the cause of capacity building in the South Asian region, encompassing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
ATSA’s programmes seek to empower arts managers in the planning and development of sustainable cultural organizations. Arts professionals learn critical management aspects such as strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, digital media, human resources, and financial planning, keeping cultural values as a core of the programme. International tutors bring a global perspective to the programme by sharing the best international practices in arts management. The programmes are aimed at the arts and culture sector in the wider South Asian region – encompassing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – thereby developing an incredible network of peers across countries.