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ARThink South Asia 2012
ARThinkSouthAsia is a management, policy, and research programme in the arts and culture sector. Initiated in 2010, the programme is dedicated to founding and supporting a cadre of arts managers committed to the cause of capacity building in the South Asian region, encompassing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
About this edition
Fifteen Fellows from the Indian cities of Pune, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Goa, Chennai, Delhi NCR as well as Tehran in Iran, Kabul in Afghanistan, Karachi in Pakistan, Rajagiriya in Sri Lanka, and Chittagong in Bangladesh, came together for the third edition of ARThinkSouthAsia. In accordance with the fellowship’s imaginative vision that is geared towards capacity-building, these cultural practitioners were trained by experts in the essential managerial skills of fundraising, digital marketing, human resources, and strategic planning. Since the Fellows came from a diverse range of socio-cultural contexts, their interactions resulted in an enriching exchange of ideas, creative practices, and unique perspectives on administration in the arts and culture sector. While some of the Fellows had completed their education in the arts and found their moorings therein, others had originally come from STEM backgrounds and subsequently veered into the creative industries or pursued training in the management sector. Some of the professional oeuvres in which the Fellows have flourished are: the creation of liberating spaces for cultural activism as in the case of Bistaar: Chittagong Arts Complex; the production of a wide array of theatre projects working under the capacious umbrella of the Prithvi Theatre Festival; the burgeoning domain of electronic arts collectives; the evolving exchanges between policy formulation and the arts and culture sector in India; the establishment of pioneering spaces such as algebrART and the Mohsen Gallery in Tehran; the development of imaginative business models working at the intersection of audio-visual creative practice and venture finance; working with the emancipatory impulses informing cinema in Afghanistan as in the case of the Autumn Human Rights Festival, and exploring the instrumentality of design interventions in effecting change at the grassroots level in rural India.
To read the biographies of the ARThinkSouthAsia 2012-13 Fellows and Faculty, please visit this site.
This event is part of ARThinkSouthAsia