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Fundamentals of Arts Management was a short course by Khoj International Artists’ Association led by Pooja Sood & Ruchira Das from 12th to 15th September 2024 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The 3-day course covered key aspects such as strategic planning, marketing, financial planning, and human resources. The teaching format included presentations, group discussions, and practical exercises.

This course was in collaboration with Cambodian Living Arts and was aimed at arts practitioners, arts managers and people managing a cultural institution / theatre group / arts space living and working in Cambodia.

The course was attended by: ​You Sokmeng, Hem Chansopheak, Chan Samphoasmunita, Kim Hak, Kong Chanmanina, Soeut Sovanny, Ry Moni Sovanya, Bornnoem Milya, Sinath Sous, Khoun Chanreaksmey, Nov sreyleab, Bun Jeudy, and Poy Chhunly.

This project is supported by Petronet LNG Limited.

This event is part of ARThinkSouthAsia

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