Call for Applications: Peers 2018
Call for Applications: PEERS 2018
Deadline: 31 March, 2018
Residency dates: 19th May – 20 June, 2018.
Submit applications to
The PEERS Residency, a four-week residency programme at Khoj Studios, New Delhi provides emerging artists a unique platform for dialogue, experimentation and exchange. In its 15th year, the Khoj PEERS programme continues to provide a forum for interaction, creating a network of young artists from various art, architecture, media, performance/performing art and design disciplines.
Khoj is inviting applications for PEERS 2018 from young emerging artists, final year MFA students and self-trained artists with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the field to push and experiment with the inter-disciplinarity of contemporary art. Self taught artists may apply.
The call is applicable only for Indian nationals.
Applications are open for
– 5 Artists-in-residence
– 1 Critic-in-residence
To apply, please send the following documents to with “PEERS 2018 Application” in the subject line.
For applications for Artists-in-Residence kindly apply with the following:
– Updated CV
-Images of previous works not exceeding 5 MB (stills) to 25 MB (videos). Each work must have a short concept note or explanatory text accompanying it.
– 2 Letters of Reference from faculty members/ senior artists/other ( with designation)
For application for Critic-in-Residence kindly apply with the following
-Updated CV
-2 recent pieces of writing (Not to exceed 1500 words each)
-2 Letters of Reference faculty members/ senior artists
Last date to send in applications: March 31, 2018
The PEERS programme is generously supported by Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation.