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Call for Volunteers

Call for Volunteers!

Khoj International Artists’ Association invites volunteers for Level_1, the upcoming interactive exhibition, between January 27th – January 31st, 2016.

We are looking for candidates who are passionate about art and are interested in games and gaming to be game-masters at Level_1, which would be a showcase of various art games made by artists at Khoj.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Explaining the games to viewers
  • Helping viewers play
  • Rewarding viewers with points
  • Helping viewers keep a tally of their game points
  • Giving viewers information about the exhibition in general

The Khoj Team will train and brief the volunteers before the opening of the exhibition.

If you enjoy playing games and have great people skills, write in to with “I am the Droid you’re looking for” in the subject line by 15th January 2016.

We want you!