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g3: genderalities & work ’Call for Applications’

reFrame  reFrame  reFrame  reFrame  reFrame 
Submit Applications to

Announcing artistic fellowships for works that reflect, expose, confront and challenge the spaces, conditions, opportunities and obstacles of being women, queer and trans* folks at work.

Submission guidelines

  1. Anyone presently living in India.
  2. May be individuals, collectives or formal/informal partnerships.
  3. May apply with only one proposal at a time.
  4. Where possible, preference will be given to newer artists, and those marginalised on the basis of their birth, work, dis/ability, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Your project

  1. Proposals may be for single works or series.
  2. Works may be in any language, but should carry subtitles, descriptions or translations in English.
  3. Works created under this Fellowship must be the applicant’s original ideas, not belonging to anyone else.
  4. Fellowship outcomes must be completed between the period of March- July 2023.

The submission form/proposal must be filled in English, though proposed work/s may be in any language.

Our terms

  1. reFrame reserves the right to refuse any project on aesthetic, ethical and pragmatic grounds.
  2. reFrame will not be responsible if multiple proposals explore similar ideas. We may select any of them, or could propose collaboration/s to applicants – which they are free to accept/reject.
  3. The works that emerge from the reFrame Fellowship must be built around the core values of social justice, sensibility and commitment to those marginalised on the basis of gender, sexuality, caste, class, occupation, disability and minority religious/ethnic identity.
  4. Each Fellowship will vary in the grant amount offered and deliverables expected.
  5. The results of the Fellowships are likely to be announced towards the end of February 2023.
  6. The decisions of reFrame selection committee will be final.

Fellowship period: March – July 2023

​Grant amount: ₹ 75000 – 2,00,000