The vision for the iArts Residency program:
The iArts Residency program envisions unique opportunities for cultural exchange that bring the richness of Indian visual and material arts to OCAD University. While in Toronto, the artist/designer will live in an OCAD U apartment and have the opportunity to produce work in an OCAD University studio, to interact with students and faculty and to build relationships by connecting with South Asian and broader Canadian communities.
Through interactions with the iArts resident and an OCAD U faculty coordinator, students will gain from their increased awareness of contemporary Indian art and culture. The iArts Residency will provide a vehicle for exploring common ground, sharing old and new traditions, exploring contemporary creative processes and building new ideas through collaborative experiences.
The unique location of OCAD U, and the opportunities to collaborate with local community organizations, together position the iArts Residency as a significant cultural event, which will be documented and publicized in Canada and internationally.
Inspired by the legacy of Arti Chandaria and through the stewardship of the Chandaria Family, the iArts Residency at OCAD U runs in parallel with the IARTS Textiles of India Grant at Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum (ROM). Both programs are designed to deepen connections between arts communities in India and Canada. |
Objectives of the iArts Residency are:
To welcome artists and designers from India to the OCAD University community, |
To support contemporary creative practices and practitioners as they explore new forms of creative expression or approach, |
To create dialogue among participants (resident, students, faculty and staff) on contemporary art, design and creative practice, |
To deepen engagement with contemporary Indian art, design and culture, in Toronto and a larger Canadian context, |
To document innovative engagements, contemporary art practices and critical commentary, |
To expand connections between OCAD University and the members of the South Asian diasporic communities by stimulating sustainable cultural exchange. |
iArts resident will:
Have access to a studio, shop facilities and technical support for the duration of the residency, |
Be housed in private accommodations provided by OCAD U, |
Produce artwork or develop a design project that will be exhibited at OCAD University, |
Work with students and faculty in undergraduate and graduate programs— critiques, classroom visits, workshops and talks, |
Engage with arts communities and community organizations in Toronto through a public talk and formal and informal interactions, |
Work with a faculty coordinator to facilitate all aspects of the Residency: creative production, student engagement and community interaction, including a one-day orientation to OCAD U. |
The University’s studios, shops and technical facilities are designed to support creative practitioners working across a range of media and art and design disciplines. Information about OCAD U facilities, programs and vision can be found on the OCAD U website OCAD U website. |
Support for the iArts Residency:
In addition to round-trip airfare from India to Toronto, studio space and paid private accommodations in an OCAD U apartment, the chosen applicant will also receive the following remuneration: |
$5000 CDN Fee, |
$60 CDN per diem for the duration of the four-week workshop (total of $1200 CDN) |
$1000 CDN toward the cost of materials. |
To apply to the iArts Residency Program
Eligible Applicants should submit the following documents by email in a single PDF document (maximum file size 4 MB) to John Rubino, Assistant Outreach and International Projects: iarts@ocadu.ca
Letter of Interest / Project Plan (500 words maximum) responding to |
How the iArts Residency will focus and support the applicant’s work and professional aspirations, |
What they plan to contribute to the OCAD U learning environment through involvement with students, faculty and staff, |
How they might hope to participate in opportunities to engage with local communities and community organizations. |
And describing the following: |
Background or experience as a creative practitioner |
Intended project, including special material handling requirements, equipment and space needs, |
Plan for engaging with students and faculty at OCAD University, |
Significance of OCAD U, Toronto, and/or Canada to the proposed project. |
Resumé outlining creative practice and teaching or mentoring experiences.
Selected Images or examples of recent projects: a maximum of 10 images format sized to between 1500-2000 pixels on the long dimension.
Designers and artists working in installation or performance may submit up to a maximum of 5 minutes of video in lieu of images, providing a link to the video files and, if required, a password or other instructions required to access the file.
Eligibility Criteria: the successful applicant must be a resident of India. Priority will be given to applicants who are beginning to expand their global reach and creative interests, who have experience instructing or mentoring other practitioners, and who are comfortable working in a teaching and learning environment.
Please note: applicants must be available for the entire four to six-week period and have facility with the English language.
The artist will be selected by a jury comprised of OCAD U faculty and students dedicated to the iArts Residency program. The jury will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria: |
Response to objectives of the iArts Residency program, |
Innovation, |
Feasibility of proposal with reference to timelines and OCAD University resources and facilities. |
Timing of Residencies—Please note: Applicants are encouraged to consider how their proposed residency might fit with OCAD U’s overall schedule.
OCAD U school year is divided across four terms:
Fall: Sept-Dec, Winter: Jan-Apr, Spring: May-June, Summer: June-Aug.
The majority of courses are offered in the Fall and Winter terms; therefore, May-June and September-October provide the greatest opportunities for student engagement. While there are fewer students and faculty on campus during Spring and Summer terms, the Resident will have opportunities to work closely with OCAD U faculty and graduate students who remain on campus to pursue creative research / research creations, including a Summer Institute with faculty members of the Faculty of Art, between June and August. |
Application Deadline – Friday, June 29, 2018
The successful applicant will be informed by September 30, 2018
Address all inquiries to:
Dr. Glen Lowry
Associate Dean Outreach and Innovation,
c/o John Anthony Rubino
Assistant, Outreach and International Projects,
Faculty of Art, OCAD University
100 McCaul Street, Room 401
Toronto, Ontario M5T 1W1
1-416-977-6000 x. 309
iarts@ocadu.ca |