Invitation to open call for THE POLITICS OF FOOD – SEASON 2
Delfina Foundation (DF) is inviting artists, curators, writers, film-makers and other cultural practitioners interested in exploring key issues related to the politics of food to apply for the second season of this themed based residency, which is scheduled to run from March to June 2015.
In Winter 2014, DF launched The Politics of Food as a four-year, cross-disciplinary programme of residencies and public events. Our first season brought together 41 artists, activists, agronomists, anthropologists, chefs, curators and writers from 15 countries investigating the politics and ethics of food production, distribution and consumption. Over the course of 12 weeks, DF produced 21 broad ranging activities from exhibitions to performative dinners to debates and making-workshops.
Building on the success of this programme DF will launch our next season in Spring 2015 focusing on the connections between sex, diet, disasters and food in both historical and contemporary contexts.
Under the heading Sex we wish to examine topics ranging from gender and power to the erotics of display and the pleasures of eating. Within the framework of Diet we will explore ideas of ritual and control with particular reference to identity, political policies, class, religion, fashion and marketing. When considering Disaster we are interested in investigating the impact of international policies, climate change, war, economic crises and natural disasters on food in historical, current or imagined scenarios.
By creating these focus areas, DF aims to facilitate collaborative exchange and foster new ideas and projects. DF will support peer-to-peer conversations between residents through a series of informal gatherings and meals, as well as targeted organisational visits and opportunities to engage with artists, academics and researchers interested in the same lines of inquiry. These internal events will be complemented with an external public programme of talks, screenings, dinners and panel discussions presenting the work, ideas and exchanges taking place.
Open Call: 2 June to 31 July 2014
Artists short-listed: 25 August 2014
Interviews with short-listed artists through Skype: 1 to 10 September 2014
Announcement of selection: 15 September 2014
Residency: March – June 2015
Closing date for applications: 31 July 2014, 17:00 GMT
Please download the full Information Sheet and Application Form to apply.…