lnlaks Fine Arts Award – 2015
The lnlaks lndia Foundation invites applications for the selection of lnlaks Fine Arts Awards 2015. The deadline for receiving applications for these awards is October 30,2014.
The award is intended to help young artists in their formative years to develop their creative talent. It provides financial assistance to enable them to work independently anywhere in lndia.
The parent foundation, the lnlaks Shivdasani Foundation, has been involved in the identifying and supporting exceptional talent in various areas of study like humanities, sciences, social sciences, design, visual arts, music and sports. It awards scholarships for outstanding students for higher studies abroad, as well as within the country. The Indian arm of the Foundation has been providing financial support to young artists within the country under the lnlaks Fine Arts Award scheme for several years.
About the award:
The Award is worth Rs.3,00,000/- (Three Lakhs Only) for a period of one year.
The award will have to attend an art residency programme within lndia for a period of 4 weeks during the course of the year.
Conditions for application:
. The applicant for this award may be a recent graduate/post-graduate or a final year student from a leading Indian institute for visual arts in lndia. No student of a first year masters programme will be considered.
. The recipient should not be holding a similar government scholarship or award during the same tenure.
. If the candidate has applied for the award earlier, he/she must submit a new body of work if they reapply
. He/She should be below the age of 30 years on 31″ December in the year of application.
Please send: [Note: All written material should be clearly legible and preferably type-written.]
. An application on plain paper may be sent with details of name, educational qualifications, contact address, permanent address, email id, mobile phone number, land line number and evidence of date of birth.
. A brief essay giving details of present occupation and achievements to date (Not more than 300 words).
. Your special need for the award and what do you propose to do with the award money. Also, if you have a project in mind, which will be supported by the award, give details regarding the project. (Not more than 500 words).
. Please include details of all gallery shows you have been part of or are scheduled to be part of.
. Maximum 10 samples of your work on a CD 1 DVD only. For Video artists, you must send 5 copies of the DVD with the application. You can also send a hard copy of your works in case the disc does not open properly. The images must only be in jpeg format. not tiff format.
. The application will be disaualified if more than 10 images are submitted with the application.
. The disc must contain your CV with (date of birth, complete contact address, email id, and phone number), essay and need for the award and a comprehensive list of works.
The applications may be sent to the following address:
lnlaks lndia Foundation. 86 187 Atlanta, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021
Detailed information about the Foundation may be downloaded from the website www.inlaksfoundatlon.org .