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World Festival of Wild Cinema  World Festival of Wild Cinema  World Festival of Wild Cinema  World Festival of Wild Cinema  World Festival of Wild Cinema 

Online film submissions: here

The Festival Mondial des Cinémas Sauvages (World Festival of Wild Cinema) wants to show films that are free in the way they were created, free in the way they are meant to be shown.

No criteria of length, genre, creation date, nationality, format (we project in analog or digital video, and in the photochemical formats Super8, 16mm, 35mm). Collective, amateur, anonymous, self-produced films are welcome.

Only conditions: that the films be shareable (free of copyright, open source, etc.) and able to be shown with English subtitles.

Date and place: June 20-25, 2017, in Brussels, Belgium.

More info on the spirit of the festival here.

SEND your films, SHARE the call, COME to Brussels…

The festival space aims to be a lively do-it-yourself place where it’s fun to spend time, in the jungle of wild cinema. Kitchen, bar, concerts, filmotheque, library, info kiosk, open kino, sofas and lounge chairs… There will always be an opportunity to wander or to give a helping hand. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to participate in one way or another!

Deadline : March 30, 2017