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Deadline: 15 May 2020

The ongoing global health crisis has ruptured the functioning of both individuals and institutions. At this difficult time, Khoj International Artists’ Association is invested in identifying and responding to the needs of the primary communities it serves.

To honour our longstanding commitment to young artists and supporting art practice at a time which poses unprecedented challenges, Khoj would like to announce the Khoj Support Grant 2020 for early-career artists and creative practitioners. The grant is a bi-monthly (once every 2 months), rolling grant starting June 2020 through which Khoj will support the ongoing practice of twenty artists with a modest sum of Rs. 25,000/- each. 

The grant is intended to help artists stay engaged with their practice and support themselves in the process. At the end of the grant duration of six months, the artists can choose to either show a final outcome in case of material practice or share their documentation of their process through any medium of their choice – artist’s notebook or audio-visual documentation.  

The deadline for the June grants is 15 May 2020.


Who is Eligible for the Khoj Support Grant?

1. All artists who have a demonstrable commitment to practice and have a need for financial support may apply.

2. Please note that artists who already have a grant/arts fellowship or support from their galleries are advised to not apply so that the opportunity can be passed on to other creative practitioners. The grant is intended for those who need financial support at this time.

3. Please note that an artist, an independent or a collective, can receive the Support Grant 2020 only once.

To apply, send us the following material with the Subject Line ‘Khoj Support Grant 2020 – June’ to 

1. A Cover Letter that clearly demonstrates your need for this grant. Alternatively, you can choose to send us an audio recording explaining your need for this grant in place of a cover letter. Applications are preferred in English and Hindi but vernacular/regional languages are also welcome.

2. Portfolio: images of previous works not exceeding 5 MB (stills) to 25 MB (videos). Each work must have a short concept note or explanatory text accompanying it.

3. Updated CV

We recommend that applicants also review guidelines before applying. If you still have questions, please write to us at with the subject  “Support Grant 2020 Query”. 



1. Do I qualify for the grant if my events, openings, etc., have fallen through or have been postponed indefinitely?
Yes, you do. The grant is open to ALL early-career artists. 

2. I have also applied for PEERS2020 residency at Khoj, can I still apply for this grant?
Yes, you can.

3. I am an Indian artist living in the US, can I apply?
The Khoj Support Grant is intended for emerging art practitioners within India.