Anay Mann

Anay Mann began photographing in 2001. The stage portraits became the idiom he sought to explore with his camera. Mann’s project – Generations in Transition – portraits of young urban Indians was exhibited in 2004. Images from this series were included in the 13th Noorderlicht International Photofestival (2006) in the Netherlands. Since 2001, he has been photographing his wife, Neetika. This series of portraits, About Neetika, was exhibited in a group exhibition – Watching me, Watching India – at the Fotografie Forum International (2006) in Frankfurt, Where Three Dreams Cross: 150 years of photography from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh at The Whitechapel, London (2009). About Neetika was exhibited as a solo exhibition at the Rencotres D’Arles festival and Ateliers de L’Image in Marseille in 2007. Mann was commissioned to create a public art exhibition – Equal Dreams – Potraits of Indians (2006), in New Delhi, which was also included in Photoquai Biennale at the Musee du Quay Branly, Paris, 2007. In 2009l Mann’s self-potraits titled The Red Room were included in a group exhibition, The Self and the Other – Potraiture in contemporary Indian photography for the Palau de la Virreina and Artium in Spain.
Anay Mann lives in New Delhi and is represented by Photoink, Delhi.