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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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First at Khoj
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DA MOTUS! (da!=give, offer! / motus=movement) was founded 1987 in
Fribourg and has performed at international Festivals and other major
cultural events in more than 140 cities of 34 countries. Its’s pieces are eclectic
and stand for a constant search of artistic renewal, on stage as well as outdoors
in specific sites. “Da Motus cannot be defined as theatre, neither as dance, nor as any conventional form of body art. They are all of this and even much more… “ (El Tiempo, press). The performance “en vie … en ville” (alive … in town) plays with the city environment. It is a “A wonderful allegory of urban life, which doesn’t give any ready-made answers but asks the attentive audience intelligent questions.”(Esther Sutter, dance-journalist).