Hema Upadhyay
Born 18th May 1972, (City) Baroda, (State/Province) Gujarat, (Country) India.
1997 MFA (Printmaking) Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda
1998 1995 BFA (Painting) Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda
Solo Shows
2007 – ‘Glass House’ Grosvenor Vadehra, London,Uk
2004 Underneath, Gallery Chemould, Bombay (Ex Cat.)
2003 Made in China a collaboration with Chintan Upadhyay, Gallery Chemould, Bombay
2002-2001 The Nymph and the Adult, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane (Ex Cat.)
2001 Sweet Sweat Memories, Gallery Chemould, Bombay (Ex Cat.)
The Nymph and the Adult, Art Space, Sydney
Selected Group Shows.
2007 – New Narratives:Contmporary art from India.,Chicago cultural centre,
Chicago, USA
2006 – Bombay,maximum City, Tri postal, Lille, france.(Ex cat)
2005 – ‘Indian Summer’Ecole nationale Superieure des Beayx Arts,paris,France(Ex Cat)
‘Parallel Realities’Asian Art Now,The 3rd Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale,Fukuoka Japan.(Ex
2003 Crossing Generations: Diverge, 40 years of Gallery Chemould, NGMA, Bombay (Cat.)
– Portraits of a Decade, Cima Gallery Kolkatta & Jehangir Art Gallery Mumbai (Ex Cat.)
– Loco-foco-motto, produced during the Vasl Residency, V.M. Gallery, Karachi (Ex Cat.)
– Parthenogenesis, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney (Ex Cat.)
– The Tree from the Seed, Henie Onstad Kunssenter, Oslo (Ex Cat.)
2000 Memos for the New Millennium from Artists of a Moulting World, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Bombay (Ex Cat.)
– Sic. An Audiovisual Installation, Fine Art Company, Bombay
– Mumbai Metaphor, Tao Art Gallery, Bombay (Ex Cat.)
2007 – Mattress Factory,Pittsburg,USA
2003 Vasl International Artists Residency, Karachi
2001 Art Space, Sydney
Projects and landmarks
2003 Loco-Foco-Motto, Vasl International Artists Residency, Karachi.
2002-2003 BYE, A site and time specific installation with pigeons at ‘Soonapan’ Kishengarh, Rajasthan
2002 This Space in between You & Me, a site specific installation with soil and ragi seeds, Khoj International Workshop, Mysore
2001 The Nymph and The Adult, A site specific installation of 2000 Handmade Cockroaches, 10th International Triennale India, Rabindra Bhavan, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi
2001 Awarded the10th International Triennale, India
1997 Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy Annual Award
1996 – 98 Awarded the National Scholarship, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India
The artist lives and works in Bombay