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Minam Apang

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Spanning the last decade, Goa-based Minam Apang has become well known both in India, and internationally, for her drawings on different media. In 2012 the artist was selected for the major Triennale, ‘The Ungovernables’, at the New Museum, New York, curated by Eungie Joo.

he artist has shown in various institutional settings including, 2012 Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; 2012 The Ungovernables, curated by Eungie Joo, New Museum, New York; 2011 Prague Biennale V; 2009 Asia Pacific Triennial APT6, Queensland Art Gallery. She has been invited to high profile residencies including Artist in residency, AIT (Arts Initiative Tokyo). In 2013 Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Umbertide, Italy, awarded a fellowship to the artist.