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Monali Meher

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Born in India , Monali Meher received ‘Unesco -Aschberg’ Residency, Vienna in 1998 &
felt an immense necessity to work with body & emotions, made her first performance,
“Reflect, A personal window display” at Jehangir art gallery, Mumbai with the
statement “Nothing is permanent & it’s a nature’s law”. In 2000-’01, Monali was at
Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam for a research residency. In
2006,she performed at Tate modern, London, Dadao international performance
festival, Beijing, “Sinop Biennale”, Turkey, “Nederlands Een” exhibition, Museum
Gouda. In 2007, she performed at “National Review on Live Art”, Glasgow, where she
was invited for the panel discussion, “Performance Art and Other Histories”.