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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Reena Dewan


Reena Dewan is Director of ArtsAcre Foundation: A Museum of Contemporary Art & International Centre for Creativity and Cultural Vision, Kolkata, India. She has recently convened the first International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in India and has been working towards making ArtsAcre ‘an Inclusive Centre’ using various modes and methods. A practicing painter & sculptor herself, she understands the healing benefits of art and hence for her inclusiveness also means inclusion of all age groups. She has been developing various programmes to include corporate employees, students, senior citizens, stay-at-home parents etc. With a focus on young minds, her intention is to encourage activities/programmes that develop the habit of visiting Museums and Art Centres from an early age. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art with specialisation in Painting and a Master’s in Appreciation of Indian Art. Reena is a member of ICOM, Paris.