Saumya Ananthak
Saumya Ananthak is a Delhi-based artist. After finishing her BFA and MFA (Painting) from M.S. University, Baroda, Saumya moved to Delhi and started teaching BFA and MFA students at Amity University, Noida. She left this job after a year and a half to get back to her own work and creative practice. Subsequently, Saumya received the Lalit Kala Scholarship with which she got a studio at Garhi Village. She has been working with constructing spaces from wood. Recently, she has also been working on a small performance/film on ideas of marriage and rituals. It was perhaps the fact that Saumya had never lived in a permanent place all her life which got her interested in the idea of spaces constructed in memory and the subconscious. Her endeavor has been to make real life manifestations of these intangible spaces from her memories. These spaces which Saumya builds look at the realm of the public and the private, or even perhaps at the private “as” the public.