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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Sebastián Córdova Ewald

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Mexico, 3 March 1979
Currently lives in Mexico City
2005 Literary workshop with Rolando Sánchez Mejía. Barcelona
2004 Bachelors in Architecture, ESARQ, Escuela Superior de Arquitectura. UIC, Universi
dad Internacional de Cataluña. Barcelona.
2003 Philosophy workshop with Eugenio Trías. CCCB, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea
Selected group exhibitions:
2008 mAxico Architectures from mexico, RIBA, Royal Institute of British Architecture –
London Architectural Festival. Curated by Renata Becerril.
Creencias Cotidianas, University of Strasburg. France. Installation with José Arnaud
2007 Aquí y Allá, Gayancourt Gallery, Paris. Video with José Arnaud Bello. Curated by
Catalina Lozano.
Pan-carta, Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia. Curated by Catalina Lozano.
Creación en movimiento, jóvenes creadores 2007 Museo Germán Gedovius, Teatro de
la Paz. San Luís Potosí, México.
Eventos Sociales, GAM, Galería de Arte Mexicano, Mexico. Video Installation with
Pía Camil.
Selected Prizes/Awards:
2007 Young Creators Grant Mexico. FONCA, Fondo Nacional Para la Cultura y las Artes.
Mexico october 2006 – september 2007
2005 Thesis project selection for the Architecture Biennale Madrid, Spain.
2004 Second prize for “Barraca Barcelona”, FAD, Fomento del Arte y el Diseño, Barce
lona, Spain.
2008 House extension. Ixtapa, México. (part finished)
Rehabilitation of façade, and interior design for building. Mexico City.(constructing)
2007 Terrace and garden design. Mexico City. (growing)