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Staalplaat Soundsystem

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Geert-Jan Hobijn – The initiator of Staalplaat Sound-system . He has been the
organizer of many sound art and performance events in the past and is the boss
of the Staalplaat record Label that hosts the leading cutting edge experimental
music acts..
The quote by Anton Nikkilä organizer of the Avanto festival, Helsinki sums up Geert’s profile very well.
Within the current mood of worshipping the latest technology in media art, Staalplaat Soundsystem provides a breath of fresh air, reminding us of the 100-year tradition of noise-making machines, in which “mad” inventors and various kinds of artists operating in the margins of the art world meet.
All these installations were made with the same low tech working philosophy, making an installation look so simple that you think” I can do that.The works by Staalplaat Soundsystem are usually brilliant in their simplicity, the first impression leaving no room for technological mystification.