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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Tanya Nirendra Dutt

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Tanya Dutt is the founder of Cultureclan, an initiative for solving socio-economic issues of remote communities through research and multivalent use of hyper-local heritage resources. As an arts and culture manager and researcher, she has lived and worked in Japan, Italy, Cambodia, Australia, UK and remote parts of India. She focuses on sustainable arts regeneration and CCI management that transgresses conventional strategy and transforms challenges into meaningful outcomes. This earned her the 2017 ATSA Fellowship. Mapping and ecosystem research of the culture sector & arts management in South Asia and beyond aids her in knowledge production and exchange for fellow professionals, which in turn advocates holistic policy-making.
The exchange of ideas has always fueled her imagination and opened her approach; for she believes individuals (not working alone but) as an intrinsic part of their community and its support systems can slowly change the world.