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Yasantha Rajithatheja Hettiarachchi

Bio Last Updated


Yasantha Rajithatheja Hettiarachchi was born and raised in Sri Lanka, and holds a BA in English from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He also earned a law degree from Sri Lanka Law College and has been practising as an attorney specialising in Fundamental Rights since 2014. He works as a playwright, director, actor, producer, theatre coach, and has co-written plays such as Dracula!, Picket Republic, and Alles in Wonderland, and acted in plays such as Grease Yaka and Walking Path. In 2010, he founded the theatre company Ananda Drama and in 2015, the performance company IdeaCouch, which promotes cost effective and sustainable theatre in Sri Lanka, and seeks to strengthen theatre as a profession in the country. He also created the Garage Show series for IdeaCouch, and acts as its head writer.