My intention has been to initiate an art project which touches our Tibetan life stories but also reaches out to the wider community. I have targeted primarily our Tibetan society and hope to create more awareness of the garbage we intentionally or unintentionally create and leave behind – even in our most sacred and honored places, like the Kora. Furthermore, environmental awareness and preservation is essential for the survival of our nomadic culture in Tibet, therefore all Tibetans have to be well educated and harmful practices abandoned. However, the damage we humans generally do to our environment is a global issue and I intended to involve as many people as possible. Gathering waste collectively was a way to reach out to the wider community, as all of us are part of this circle. This communal action became part my art work and while in the process of collecting the waste, my collage slowly began to take shape. Later in solitude my intention as an orphaned refugee Tibetan has been to express my individual feelings of hope, wishes, desperation and crisis –and while intuitively assembling each piece, the shape of our traditional Tibetan wheel of life evolved.