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A Day in Ads: Delhi

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Persuasion Lab by Manuel Beltrán and Nayantara Ranganathan
Persuasion Lab presents a study of ‘political ads’, exploring the making of political subjects at the hands of the algorithm.

Through data-driven targeting and algorithmic bidding, Facebook chooses one ad among millions for each person’s eyes. Digital advertising business models not only limit our sense-making to the most ‘optimal’ political ad at each moment and for each person, they also exclude encounters with ads deemed unsuitable for our eyes.

In this study, the lab offers a rare glimpse into what a shared consideration of realities might throw up. We visualise together, all the different political ads shown on one day to people in Delhi, along with their targeting data.

Persuasion Lab explores methodological, aesthetic and discursive responses to understand the informational turn in propaganda and influence.

*This page is available as a downloadable accessibility document.

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