< Back to International Workshop Bangalore 2003
a few free standing units
The relation of artificiality and naturalness, reality and staging, fact and fiction stands thematically in the center of the artistic work of Dagmar Keller and Martin Wittwer.
In their projects they deal with alienation processes, people at the cultural and social periphery and the crowing penetration of the social life through staged realities.
For the video installation “a few free standing units” the artists created a “moving collage” out of contrasting types of architecture that are magazine cutouts, photographs the artist took during their stay in India and photocopies out of books. On two stacked tabletops the cutouts are building a dense cityscape. A video camera is pointed at this model and directly connected with a video projector which projects the picture onto the opposite wall. The viewer is asked to turn a hand wheel which rotates the stacked tabletops and so the projected picture is set in motion.