The installation “EARTH-CONSCIOUSNESS-REVIVAL” consists of three independent films:
“Origin” (24 min), confronts us with elements far greater than us – the primordial antagonism of fire and water – awakening an archetypal memory of the very beginning of life.
“Heartbeat” (10 min), projects the premise that the human body is but a manifestation of the pulse of natural events at large.
“Riverglass- a River Ballet in Four Seasons” (41 min) immerses the viewer in the river-being through the mainstages of life – youth, growth, maturity, old age – only to be reborn in endless cycles.
Shown here simultaneously for the first time, these experiential films together manifest the notion that all meaning is inherent in the forces of nature in itself. By sensitive immersion in nature’s ingenuity one’s mind becomes cleansed of ballast, is enriched and expanded, so as to behold a new relation to the environment and life as a whole.