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I use exotic, throw away, urban material such as match boxes, arrack bottle caps, hair gel sachets in my works. These objects attract me into creating backgrounds of my works on which I depict myself with my dear friends. By impersonating my self with celebrities as well as a subaltern worker, I focus attention on such concepts as “celebrity”, “common people” and issues of self identity. I am inseparably connected to objects and people around me. I am made a pillow cover and a bed cover using ‘PassPass’ sachets. This work is related to my earlier works, which used materials from day to day life, things related to me and my friends – materials that we use on a daily basis. My friends and people with whom I live make an important context for my works.
I have the same experience here in Patna. Friends with whom I go around the city and share experiences. I saw them using stuff out of sachets, that gave me the idea to use these sachets for my work here.
The fact that I would use the same everyday material that my friends use and vice versa is indicative of our bonding together and gives a sense of my identity.
For my site-specific work here I decided to use my room as a set-up with which I bond, the way I do with my friends and people with whom I live. I chose to make a pillow cover and bed cover using sachets of a popular mouth freshener “PassPass” which in Hindi would mean “close together” – the state of my being with my friends, in this case, my room.