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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Over four weeks Priya Sen, Tina Schouw and Malika Ndlovu from the Insurrections Ensemble, have engaged through creative collaborations and spontaneous conversations with Delhi-based artists, poets and musicians from the India-SA Insurrections Ensemble, fellow KHOJ residents, and members of the public. This engagement is reflected in the work presented here—poems, songs and narrative text, musical compositions, photographs, videos and audio recordings. 

Our sites of intervention through music, word and song, have been this pop-up recording studio at KHOJ, and spaces in the city that remain hidden from the gaze of power and surveillance, by virtue of them being perhaps too “underground” or written off as “urban failures”. Some of these have included being at a hip-hop battle with 400 participants in Gurgaon, a collaboration with a hip hop MC from that encounter, recordings at a forest near a shrine in the middle of the city, and journeying on the Circular Rail that runs through the centre of the city and yet remains unseen and unheard in city narratives. Being within these spaces with colliding as well as individual practices has produced a shared body of material that we are presenting in the studio space, accompanied by a live performance with fellow Insurrections Ensemble members – Sumangala Damodaran, Ahsan Ali, and Sabitha Satchi.