Last week (29th May) we went to Paradsinga Village for soil testing. That day temperature was around 44 degree. Still farmers were working in fields under the burning sun, the drinking water we were carrying with us almost felt like boiling.
Soil testing is very important, to know the health of the soil which gives birth to the food we eat, after soil testing we can provide her with nutrients in which she is lacking. M.P. government provides soil testing facility in very cheap rates, due to lack of farming knowledge, unawareness & negligent attitude Farmers avoid soil testing. “Gram” invited “B.R.Somkuwar” Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari, to collect soil samples & invited village children to understand the procedure inspiring them to send soil samples from their farms for testing.
Children worked with us almost whole day to understand the procedure of soil testing which need to be done before rains and also sent samples of their soil for the first time for testing in lab. Also we found that the officers who came for soil sampling were not carrying proper professional equipments, which resulted in the loss of moisture content out of the soil samples & unexpectedly very long time, as a result we will not get the actual moisture content in soil in the testing report. We will get the soil testing results in coming week, so we can provide soil with necessary nutrients, which will further help in educating farmers about the soil and Eco-Sanitation’s irrigation part.