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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Alfonso Borragan

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Alfonso Borragán, obtained his Bachelor’s Fine Arts Degree in Barcelona where he started to work with light and
photography. He currently lives and works in London where he is studying a MFA in Slade School of Fine Arts,
Tired of how significant technology has become for humans and above all in photographic cameras, he has started to build his own artifacts to hunt light and fix it in pictures, playing constantly with the magic and the human body. Probably the idea of exploring the unknown, self-sufficiency, survival and time are the factors most significant in his work. He ususally relates his work to the same space they are in, using the physical and cultural materials that are already present. Over last few years, he has focused his research on rituals in the urban city as a medium to communicate his work. The collective celebration becomes the door to experience that shows the work itself.
Alfonso has developed and shared works in Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Canary Islands, Lisbon, Bristol, London, Dessau, Goldegg and Basel. His work was shown recently at Bienal de Arte Efímero de Granada (black ceramics), Bolit centre d’Art Contemporani (landscapes), Gerra (Cantabria), Leighwoods (Bristol) and Slade (London).