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Amrita Gupta Singh

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Amrita Gupta Singh is an art historian, researcher, and writer with an interest in art education and management. ​In 2002, ​​she joined the Mohile Parikh Center, Mumbai, and became its Program Director in 2005. In this capacity, she has curated a range of art education programs for diverse audiences. ​Over the past decade, she has contributed essays, reviews and interviews for art books, journals and periodicals. She was a Visiting Lecturer at the J.J. School of Arts, Mumbai (2003), Fellow, ArthinkSouthAsia (2010-11)​, ​and ​​Contributing Editor to ArtFair magazine (2010-2012)​. She also received a grant​​ under the ​Arts, Research and Documentation Program​, India Foundation for the Arts​ (2013-1​5​​)​ to document the art practices of North-East India​. As an ongoing research, it focuses on the relations between the regional and national, in the context of understanding regional modernisms in India​. She continues to write on modern and contemporary Indian art. ​