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Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle

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The Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castleis a National Institute for Culture devoted to developing contemporary art. Established in 1990 itintroduced contemporary art to the Polish art scene and nowis  contributing to advancing global art. It is the biggest contemporary art institution in the country and is capable of involving into large-scale enterprises. The CCAfocuses on developing processes of contemporary art that aim at critical intervention into current modes  of visuality structuring, subjectivity creation, value production, knowledge distribution, information management, community maintenance. Its focus  is based on reflection on transformation of global art, transdisciplinary crossing in artistic practices, contemporary strategies of social activism. The CCA is searching for the ideas, approaches or practices that could be shared internationally in response to challenges of globalization. International cooperation is based on long-term partnerships and alliances. The CCA implements its goals by organizing exhibitions, visual theater and performance art, contemporary music concerts, screenings of experimental films and video art, lectures, seminars, creative workshops, as well as artists events at the intersections of various genres. It has its own Mediatheque, art house cinema Kino.Lab, and dance and music performance space. The CCA publishes numerous titles, including the OBIEG magazine and it runs several festivals. Only during last years the exhibition programme included presentation and production of work by international artists, such as Christian Jankowski, Maurizio Cattelan, Martha Rosler, Jota Castro, Francis Alÿs.