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Georg Tremmel



Georg Tremmel is an Austrian artist, living and working in Tokyo. He studied Biology, Informatics and Media Art with Peter Weibel and Karel Dudesek in Vienna and continued his studies at the Royal College of Art in London with Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby. Since 2001 intertwining biological, cultural, ethical and societal codes, creating objects, installations and situations for contestable discussions. With Shiho Fukuhara, he founded BCL – an Artistic Research Framework for critically exploring Art & Biotech. BCL’s  body of works includes Biopresence, the Common Flowers Series, and Ghost in the Cell. He started his first bio-startup together with Shiho in 2004, after receiving startup funding from the UK’s National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA).

Georg is currently a Project Researcher in the Laboratory for DNA Information Analysis at the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Medical Science, working on Information Visualisation of Cancer Genomic Data. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the metaPhorest Art & Science group at Hideo Iwasaki’s Lab at Waseda University.

Georg is the co-founder of the BioClub in Shibuya, Tokyo’s first Open Biolab & Biohackerspace.