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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Namrata Mehta

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Namrata Mehta is an artist, designer and researcher, with an undergraduate degree in Sociology
from Delhi University, and a postgraduate diploma in Experimental Media Arts, from the Srishti
School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore. Her work combines tactical media art practices with social research methodologies to engage with people about the experiences of everyday life. Projects that she has worked on address issues of waste management (S-M-mess, 2008), gender violence (NewPapers, 2009), urban growth (The Object of My Extension, 2010 and Everyday Places, Everyday Traces, 2011) and public transport (101 Reasons Why I Love the Delhi Metro, Ongoing).
At the Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS), where Namrata is a design researcher, she works closely on technology and infrastructure projects related to ‘mobilities’ in both urban and rural contexts. These range from mobile as well as telecommunication technologies, portable diagnostic devices and transport solutions. Prior to CKS, at the Center for the Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CStep), she developed games as a research tool for policy makers in the agricultural and urban infrastructure sector. At present, Namrata is occupied with observing and capturing culture in and around the Delhi Metro, realising the potential for ICT based service delivery in urban slums, and wondering who and where her next postcard is coming from.