Sonia Jabbar

Sonia Jabbar was educated in Calcutta and the United States. She is a writer, journalist, photographer, filmmaker and graphic designer who has been associated with various people’s movements since 1990: feminist, anti-communal, sexual rights, anti-nuclear and various initiatives on Pakistan-India peace and friendship. Jabbar has worked in Kashmir as a human rights activist, journalist, photographer and filmmaker since 1995. Her articles have been published in all major national dailies. Her essays have appeared in numerous anthologies. Jabbar’s photographs have been published as well as exhibited. Her documentary film, Autumn’s Final Country (2003) on displacement has been screened widely in India and internationally, at film festivals and at various universities.Sonia Jabbar received the WISCOMP (Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace) Scholar of Peace, 2000, and was a Bellagio Scholar in the Summer of 2008. At present she is working on a non-fiction book on Kashmir.