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Rules have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Be it in the society, at home, or in school, they have been a block to many aspects and discoveries of my human existence. In the 18 MUSTS, I seek to break the boundaries that rules and conditions can subject one to. To create a platform to express and allow the outburst of human emotions in situations where one has been under oppression.
Rooted in the fact that the building will be transformed into an unconventional art space, a wall with partially burnt cash memos of the hotel dating from 2005 to 2012 was built. The memos are a conformance by the clients of the hotel to be under the rules. The receipts are partially burnt as a representation of the past life of the building, and its present restoration to a second life. The wall was then crashed through by a motorbike and later torn to pieces by the audience as a symbolic gesture of breaking the rules.