The discovery of how to start a process in motion, in a situation resembling a vacuum; to discover the raison d’etre of an artwork, of endeavour of any sort — and the methodology which needs to be formulated for such a purpose.
The methodology was to set in motion the cycle of cause and effect, in the creation of a phenomenal reality governed by a set of variables / a given set of concrete elements peculiar to the situations on hand — the people, the available material, the house, the environment.
What I most enjoyed was the patterns made by the tiles on the floor — a different one for each room; consequently, the desire to preserve them as memories. I spent the first couple of days tracing them out and then colouring them. I still have a roll of those tracings, as yet unused, awaiting their moment. It occurs to me now that I can make my diary with these patterns, a different one of each page or day.