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International Workshop Modinagar 2000

From 1997 until 2001, KHOJ conducted the International Artist Workshop mostly at Sikribagh, a quasi-colonial bungalow in Modinagar, offered for the workshop by SK Modi. The workshop functioned as an experimental art laboratory that brought together artists from all over the world to create a co-operative and non-hierarchical space, encouraging critical dialogue, exchange and the transference of information and skills.

About this edition

The KHOJ International Workshop is based on the dual principle of exchange and experimentation. Modinagar 2000 saw an energised exchange between 22 artists from around the globe. KHOJ workshops are the bedrock on which KHOJ has attempted to develop mutual understandings of differences and similarities between cultures, values and art practices. A participating artist’s statement below is testimony to the creative experiences and opportunity for experimentation offered by this edition of the workshop.

“The mirror lent an interactive character to the work, which gave the viewer the possibility of finding oneself or become a part of it.”


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