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International Workshop Kasheer 2007

From 1997 until 2001, KHOJ conducted the International Artist Workshop mostly at Sikribagh, a quasi-colonial bungalow in Modinagar, offered for the workshop by SK Modi. The workshop functioned as an experimental art laboratory that brought together artists from all over the world to create a co-operative and non-hierarchical space, encouraging critical dialogue, exchange and the transference of information and skills.

About this edition

The KHOJ International Workshop 2007 was held in Srinagar, Kasheer at Gulshan (Aga Manzil), Lalmandi.


This year twelve talented visual artists from various regions of India, including Srinagar, will share a common platform with 6 artists from other countries. Drawing upon recommendations by previous KHOJ participants and profiles received, the Kashmir-based artists coordinating KHOJ 2007 will select 12 artists from South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

As in previous KHOJ workshops, the artists participating in KHOJ 2007 will actively participate in dialogues and discussions, exchanging ideas, methods, approaches and exploring alternative means of visual expression. Evening discussions and slide presentations are expected to bring artists, art appreciators and connoisseurs, art critics and students of art on a common platform, where they can share and discuss contemporary art issues.

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