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Peers Filament : 6 Years of the Peers Residency at Khoj

The Khoj Peers residency program provides emerging artists and creative practitioners a platform for dialogue, experimentation, and exchange. This helps in building a forum and creating a network of young interdisciplinary artists from various art, architecture, new media, performance, performing arts and design disciplines.

About this edition

2007 marked the 10th anniversary of KHOJ. During the 10th year celebrations, KHOJ proposed to curate an exhibition drawing upon works created by peers 2003-2007 (participants of Peers, the KHOJ residency program for students). Envisioned as a pilot curatorial project, the 2-week long exhibition was hosted at the Vadehra Art GalleryKHOJ invited Latika Gupta, a young Delhi based curator to curate and put the exhibition together. This exhibition was accompanied by a publication.

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