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Peers 2016

The Khoj Peers residency program provides emerging artists and creative practitioners a platform for dialogue, experimentation, and exchange. This helps in building a forum and creating a network of young interdisciplinary artists from various art, architecture, new media, performance, performing arts and design disciplines.

About this edition

Peers is a four week residency programme at KHOJ International Artists’ Association that provides recent graduates and masters students from various art and design institutes across the country an opportunity for exchange and dialogue. It aims to provide young artists a forum for experimentation and interaction with the larger creative community. It also hopes to create a network of students from various art, architecture, media and design colleges.

Peers has been a one of KHOJ‘s pioneering programmes, and the 2016 residency was the 13th edition of Peers. It is a unique residency model, closely curated for recent graduates and young artists starting their professional careers. KHOJ also provides a platform for young art practitioners who have not been trained in art schools and colleges. The Peers residency is populated with artists’ visits and interactions, studio visits and curated exhibition walk-through, for the residents to have a gamut of art-related experiences and exposure. The aim of the Peers programme is to provide infrastructure, inspiration and mentorship to emerging artists and art practices.

KHOJ would like to extend heartfelt thanks to the Peers 2016 Jury members Sharmila Samant, Susanta Mandal, Ruchika Negi and Pooja Sood.

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