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Peers 2022

The Khoj Peers residency program provides emerging artists and creative practitioners a platform for dialogue, experimentation, and exchange. This helps in building a forum and creating a network of young interdisciplinary artists from various art, architecture, new media, performance, performing arts and design disciplines.

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About this edition

Functioning as a unique residency model that closely curates artists at the start of their professional careers, the Peers residency is populated with artists’ visits and interactions, studio visits and curated exhibition walk-throughs, for the residents to have a gamut of art-related experiences and exposure.

In 2022, the Peers residents visited the studios of artists Martand Khosla, Thukral and Tagra, and Mithu Sen. They also attended walkthroughs of the exhibitions The Wry Eye and Convergence at the Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art (FICA) and the Kiran Nadar Museum of Arts (KNMA) with Shambhavi Gairola and Rahaab Allana, respectively. The Peers also visited Vadehra Contemporary and caught the show A Handful of Dust and later attended the Offset Pitara and Reading room event at Khoj.

Leading up to production days, the residents went on a Khirkee Walk with Mahavir Singh Bisht to situate themselves better within the community. Simultaneously, Khoj also organised a one-on-one critical writing workshop for the critic-in-residence with Arushi Vats.


Special thanks to the jury for Peers 2022: Anushka Rajendran @anushkarajendran, Sonia Mehra Chawla @soniamehrachawla, and Sumakshi Singh @sumakshisingh

Peers 2022 has been supported by Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation @inlaksfoundation

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Call for Applications

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Application Deadline
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Applications are now open for

– 5 Artists-in-residence
– 1 Critic-in-residence

Submit your applications here

For any queries regarding this opportunity, please email us at


-The call is applicable for Indian nationals only

-Final year MFA students (including those who passed out 2 years ago)

-Self-taught artists with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the field

Application Requirements for Artists-in-Residence

-Updated CV

-Up to 10 images of previous works not exceeding 5 MB (each) to 25 MB (for videos). Each work must have a short concept note or explanatory text accompanying it (.pdf format), or a pdf of images (25MB limit) along with the concept note and/or explanatory text

-2 Letters of Reference from faculty members or senior artists or any other creative practitioner who has been following your work intimately

Application Requirements for Critic-in-Residence 

-Updated CV

-2 recent pieces of writing (Not to exceed 1500 words each)

-2 Letters of Reference faculty members/ senior artists

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