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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Richa Arya

Richa Arya
First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Richa Arya has grown up in Samalkha, Haryana – an industrial town. As a young girl in this space, Arya always found herself surrounded by debris from factories and rigid social structure. She noticed that women and girls were always treated as inferior to men and considered weaker sex. She could find no escape, no freedom. Even today, she feels surrounded by the same gaze, the same lens of judgment. It was this understanding of being weak that pushed her to work with sheets of iron, brass, copper and metal wires. Since childhood she saw women weaving carpets and sewing, determined to run their household independently. Richa juxtaposes this idea of stitching soft fabric with hard yet malleable sheets instead. Richa has done her MFA in Sculpture from College of Art, New Delhi and currently practices from her studio in Kaladham, Greater Noida.