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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Aastha Chauhan

Aastha Chauhan
First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Aastha is an artist and curator, who currently teaches Curating Public/Community Art projects at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, in Bangalore. Her art projects are public, socially engaged and site specific. Collaborative and multidisciplinary in nature, they are mostly self-funded/self-sustained long-term engagements. They have been mainly developed in two geographical contexts: in the Khirkee neighbourhood in Delhi and in the Himalayan district of Chamba, Uttarakhand.

In Delhi, Aastha led citywide projects, such as the Delhi Walk Festival, as well as neighbourhood level projects, such as the International Khirkee Festival, Extension Khirkee Festival, Aapki Sadak.
In Chamba, an area which is home to historical feminist environmental movements (i.e. Chipko movement and Beej Bachao Andolan), Aastha serves as a board member of the Henvalvani Community Radio station, a project she joined in 2007.

In Bangalore, she recently ran the Yellelu Yelli Festival neighbourhood festival with her students at the Srishti Interim.