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A portrait of a young man printed twice, architectural in scale and mounted back to back dominates and shapes the room. A cutout portrait of another man, also printed twice and back to back, stands as a figure. Two task chairs, with urinals where seats should be, are joined at their plumbing entries and exits. Doubles and pairs are formed throughout the space, setting a tone of sameness and homogeneity. There are couples in this room. Docking is the process of joining. The name, DockingRoom, simultaneously refers to:
A. a (space) vessel coming to port, and
B. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docking_(sex)
Both situations reference a giving and taking; goods, ideas, values, intimacy, flesh, etc. A. requires difference while B., sameness. Differences, materials, fluids are imported and exported, blended and swapped, equally, unequally. Maps towards sameness have been drawn.