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The Mystical Boat

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The mystical boat was painted in natural indigo, and made of bamboo and locally available cotton textiles that were extensively exported to England in the British era. After having finished the boat, I felt the need of a ‘presence’; and I could only think of incorporating a short performance due to my long association with performing art practices. Since the year 2000 I have performed as a storyteller with painted pictures. So this performance, depicting the ever young and ancient goddess herself, took place on the Open Studio Day. All in white; she possesses the traditional qualities of men: strength and intensity, and of women: power and compassion. She offered white wings – to fly, as a ‘gift’ to the people.

The images painted with indigo provide clues to content and interpretation of the millions of images which passed through my mind. Blue and white also establishes the contrast which sets the boat in motion.

Though the open studio was on the last day, for me the process of 15 days of looking into the history, discussing with fellow artists, sharing views, walking in the streets and market places, talking to the local shop owners and preparing mterials was a complete festival of performance and visual expression.

My art tried to negotiate the complex mix of the personal, the traditional, and the contemporary that makes me who I am.