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Day Eve Komet

First at Khoj
Bio Last Updated


Day Eve M Komet is an artist, writer, poet, performer, filmmaker and designer. They are an experimental space maker from London that resides in liminal space. Their current energy consists in expanding their brainchild An intergalactic universe, which jumps and explores rabbit holes into other dimensions. Their background in philosophy and anthropology means that they have a distinctive style and mode of presenting their work. The main aim in all their artistic pursuits is to allow audiences and themselves to look at the world through infinite perspectives. As a writer and filmmaker they insist on engaging with the surrealism of life with fervour and colour.

Their work has been shown at Cambridge Film Festival and Berwick Film & Media and Arts Festival. Their interactive world making experiences have been exhibited and experienced as part of the Wienoche Art festival (My Skin is…2020) and SHIFT (My Servant’s Master 2021) in Vienna. They engage deeply with the understanding that collective healing and decolonial imaginative practices are necessary to continue and sustain life on planet Earth.

Artist Portrait by Darius Iromlou