The Flower Carrier or The Mad Woman With The Forget-me-not
Sonia Khurana’s work – An Installation and a performance video.
Performance video: A performed sequence of the artist walking with the flower (fashioned after the description in the text on the postcard) through the streets of Modinagar, at various times of the day/s, with a subsequent, ongoing through other places. The video has the ambient sound of traffic/ streets interwoven with text read out as a voiceover.
Text on postcard:
” .. She said to herself: when once the onslaught of ugliness became completely unbearable, she would go to a florist and buy a forget-me-not, a single forget-me-not, a slender stalk with miniature blue flowers. She would go out into the streets holding the flower before her eyes, staring at it tenacoiusly, so as to see only that single beautiful point, to see it as the last thing she wanted to preserve for herself from a world she had ceased to love, she would walk like that through the streets, she would soon become a familiar sight, chidren would run after her, laugh at her, throw things at her, and all would call her: the crazy woman with the forget-me-not..”