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Radical Housing and Socially-Engaged Art

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Working with sound composition, poetry, and moving image, Body in Transit by Surabhi Saraf (featuring movement by Shinichi Iova-Koga and text by Dorothy Santos), explored the ways in which the human body travels through physical and imagined spaces. Confronting the political and cultural climate within the United States in 2018, as countless individuals grappled with the imposed immigration ban, the piece presented the anxiety and disorientation of displacement wrought on by transit and forced migration.

Saraf’s recent works explores our complex relationship with technology. Her project-based practice includes large-scale video installations, performances, experimental sound compositions and video sculptures. The alternative and counter narrative forms that she is creating with these intersecting mediums explore utopian aspirations while embracing the messiness of the present. She often directs, choreographs, composes, scores and edits these works with other artists making collaboration an integral part of her process. Other themes she is interested in revealing with her practice involve emotional intelligence, techno-capitalism, rituals, collectivism, myths and beliefs as well as their relationship to technology.

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